Let me tell you about these four women. These are 4 of the most committed, passionate, hard working people I know!
Last year, when we went to Youth Group Zoom, they supported the group by being available to jump in and lead small groups, play games, etc.
In the Fall, we decided to begin meeting in person, outdoors. They worked to make sure we could meet safely each week while keeping some normalcy. They ordered the pizza, gloved, masked and served each youth.
At the end of Fall, when our area was in a virus surge, we took a serious look at what we did and all agreed with our small numbers and set up, we could safely continue to meet. These leaders worked hard each week to keep themselves and the youth distanced and safe. They figured out how to give us light and fire to make it cozy & safe.
In the depths of winter, I asked these leaders what was the coldest temp they'd be willing to meet in. ( I was fully expecting them to say nothing below 35 degrees.) But they all agreed they would be there unless the feels like temp went below 20 degrees!!
So through the winter, we met. Bundled up and sitting close to the fire, we still had warm pizza, hot chocolate, s'mores and conversation.
Throughout the winter, our small group of youth and leaders became an intergenerational Small Group.
We all answered questions, shared about our lives, shared prayer concerns and grew together. It was an amazing thing to watch!
June 16th was our last regular Wednesday night until the fall. These 4 have been leading since Fall of 2019, with only a small break.
I am so thankful for these 4 youth workers!!! Their shirts say "I'll be there for you" and they were!! Every week, when things were changing all around us, when fear and frustration ruled our minds, YUMC Youth had a place to come to where they knew they would be safe, welcomed and included.
Pam, Andrea, Nancy, Kim no doubt, God called you to this time and you answered with an enthusiastic "YES... I will go!"
Thank you for being an example of people that love God and serve God's people.
We are a group today because of your work these past 15 months!
Thank you!!!
Praise the Lord!!!
