On July 31st, Pamela Ware stepped up to the diving board to compete in the 3m spring board semi final. She was expected to easily move on to the finals.
However, something happened in her approach and Pamela failed to dive. After this heartbreaking experience, Pamela shared a video to speak to her fans and supporters.
Pamela says something powerful. . . "This does not define me." Her words can resonate with each of us. We all fail at times. We all fail big at times. And while it's important to process our disappointment, it's not where we need to stay. There is hope after failure. There is victory after failure.
Pamela's words are words for us all. Our failures don't define us.
If you don't believe that, ask your family and friends. Ask them who you are to them.
There's a song by Cory Asbury called "The Father's House". It talks about what it means to be loved by God. There's a verse that says "My failures don't define me, that's what my Father does."
God knows you. God loves you. God knows the failures, struggles and disappointments you have had. God knows the successes, the wins and the triumphs you have had. God sees your whole picture and loves you unconditionally.
You are defined as a Beloved Child of God, no matter what.
Hold on to how God defines you.
Hold on to how your loved ones see you. Hold on to the knowledge that you were created, gifted and called and nothing can change that.
If you want to talk about this, please don't hesitate to reach out to me!
Holding YOU in prayer, Denise