You are LovAble
Welcome to our website!
This site is the hub for all Yardley UMC Youth Ministry & Young Adult Ministry information.
Here you can connect with others, Sign Up for events, learn more about our ministries and find ways to grow in your faith journey.
Our theme and verse for the year is "SAY LESS, DO MORE"
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen." Ephesians 4:29
It is our prayer that all youth, young adults, parents & more will find this as a place to belong, grow in their relationship with God and continue to grow deep roots in God's love for all.
Whether you are engaging on social media, our website or in person, We are so glad you're here!
​December 24th 7pm Christmas Eve Service
December 25 & January 1 NO YOUTH GROUP/GOD SQUAD
January 8th Wednesday Nights Return
January 17-18 Winter MyCalling!
February 14-16th Youth & Family Ski Trip